We’ve prepared a detailed guide for Doctors to use LinkHMS and simplify the existing clinic’s workflow. Find your way of reducing heavy workload and providing exceptional care for your patients.
LinkHMS is an efficient hospital management tool that enables Doctors to collaborate with the entire staff or work as individual practitioners if required. In this piece, we will explore the Doctor’s role in your clinic’s workflow.
It’s always better to involve each staff member at the well-outlined specific stages of the workflow. For increased efficiency, we’ve built the functionality to not overload Doctors with extra tasks and distract them from their primary responsibilities.
When the patient arrives at the reception, the Receptionist changes the booking status to Patient Arrived. The Doctor can overview the patient’s status in the Schedule tab and call in the patient from the lobby when ready.
Unless it’s a new patient, you can make a quick check on patient information, medical records, and a summary of recent visits, tests, diagnoses, and prescriptions. All of this valuable data is collected on the patient’s dashboard for the convenience of the Doctor.
After the visit has begun, the Nurse or the Doctor can start the visit by clicking Start Appointment from their Schedule view.
The Doctor or the Nurse can collect the patient’s vitals as a pre-visit preparation.
When the pre-visit information is collected, you simply pick up the visit from the necessary point and conduct it further.
We’ve organized the visit workflow in a way that allows the Doctor to easily switch between tabs and fill in the new patient health details within one place. You might not need to complete all tabs during the current visit, as you can add more when needed.
When the diagnosis requires further analysis, the Doctor can easily prescribe necessary tests through LinkHMS.
Test requests are automatically sent to the laboratory, and you are notified of any made updates. Once the Laboratory Worker sets the test status Done, the analysis results are ready to be instantly reviewed and used for further diagnosis.
Finally, you can establish a diagnosis and begin treatment of your patient. It’s important that you add supporting comments and apply the diagnostic code due to LinkHMS integration with ICD-11.
Doctors can record assigned procedures and leave the necessary comments to provide treatment to patients.
Your patients also need clear instructions to follow the medication plan as prescribed for the best results. Therefore, Doctors get a separate tab to add specifications like dosage, frequency, duration, and even food relation.
The Doctor ends the appointment when the consultation is over. Thus, the other member staff can proceed with post-visit activities like invoice generation and follow-up scheduling if required.
It is not necessary to finish the appointment in one take. You can close the appointment tab and work with the other systems’ features at your discretion and then pick up the appointment by clicking Continue Appointment in the Schedule tab. All the data entries and progress are automatically saved at all times you make them.
If you need to check your appointment schedule, the Schedule tab contains all the necessary details, including linked records to every completed visit.
Besides the functionality of holding consultations, Doctors have access to a centralized list of all patients. It’s easy to review and edit medical records in the Patient tab whenever required to ensure data consistency in your practice.
Moreover, the system features the Print button, allowing the Doctor to print records with comments at any stage of the visit and provide necessary documents to the patients.
Thanks for reading this short guide on the Doctor’s role and how they adopt LinkHMS through their daily routine.
Here, you will find more posts about other staff members’ workflows and how they collaborate with Doctors.